Mapping - from data model to UI

This page contains information regarding mapping between data model and UI and UI elements on Mit Overblik at

NOTE! All mappings are indicative and therefore do not reflect all possible scenarios for displaying data in the current user interface in production. The documents must therefore be considered exclusively as supporting documents to exemplify mapping between the data model and the production-set user interface.



An Excel sheet and a Powerpoint document have been prepared for each data model, which combined makes up the mapping documents.

The Excel sheet contains all attributes in the specific data model a mapping number/id is assigned to each attribute.

In the powerpoint document, the number/id for the attributes is used to visualize the mapping relation between data model and user interface. Here, it is exemplified how attributes in the data model are used in the user interface.

As mentioned at the top of the page, it is important to note that all mappings are indicative and therefore do not reflect all possible scenarios for displaying data in the production user interface. The documents must therefore be considered exclusively as supporting documents to exemplify mapping relation between data models and user interface.

There are no mapping documents for the core data model for Digital Overview, as the characteristics of the model mean that there is no specific user interface for data in the data model on Mit Overblik at .


Mapping documents

Mapping documents can be found and downloaded from this page: